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How Many Calories Does Pearl Milk Tea Contain?

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How Many Calories Does Pearl Milk Tea Contain?

Originally created as a treat for Taiwan kids around the 80s, the delicious tea called bubble tea has many names, including pearl milk tea. Combining sweet green or black tea with milk and nice flavorings like taro and fruit syrups, bubble tea has tapioca parts floating around the bottom that you can suck up with a big fat straw. Pearl milk tea is a sweetened tea that contains more calories and flavors than it contains nutrients.

Averagely, you can expect a pearl milk tea of 16-ounce serving to contain:

· 0.6 grams of fat
· 278 calories
· 68g of carbohydrates
· 1.2g of protein

Calories in pearl milk tea

The calorie content of the bubble tea largely depends on the level of milk, sugar, taro, fruit, and topping added by you or your bubble tea shop. Averagely, calorie counters of a 16-ounce glass of bubble tea contain 278 calories.

What are the sources of calories?

The primary source of calories in milk tea is from the tapioca bubble found at the base of the tea. You can find over 1/3 cup of milk tea pearls in 16 ounces, which equals 180 calories in just a cup. Tapioca was made from starches in cassava tubers, which are almost totally carbohydrates.

Although it contains high calorie, tapioca pearls still offer great nutritional benefits that make drinking the tea a worthwhile experience. The pearls come with a minimal amount of iron, calcium, magnesium, and folate. They also contain a low amount of fat, sodium, and calcium.

Tapioca plays it cool on the stomach, which makes it an excellent option for anyone with digestive issues. Furthermore, tapioca delivers carbohydrates and fiber that will suppress hunger and help you feel full, keeping you away from the temptation of consuming more calories.

What's the sugar content?

The calories in milk tea also depend on the level of sugar and carbohydrates. On average, the 16-ounce drink contains 22g of sugar- which means that the 16-ounce drink contains 88 calories.

The sugar level depends on how sweet you want your drink to be and your choice of milk. Dairy milk of an 8-ounce cup contains 161 calories and 12g of sugar. Almond milk, another fresh option, contains 32g of sugar in one cup of 8 ounces, alongside 441 calories.

Other nutrition in bubble tea

Calories in bubble tea usually add up, although it depends on how your drink is customized. While the world follows the same ingredient idea on pearl tea, such as the milk, tea, flavoring, and tapioca, bobs, the ingredients that affect your tea's calorie count varies. They include:

Milk type

At Gong Cha, one of the best bubble tea companies in New York, organic milk options ranges from almond milk to organic oat milk, and other dairy variety. Their pearl milk teas contained sweetened condensed milk containing 65 calories.

Fruit Flavoring

Natural fruit purees contain low calories than artificially flavored syrup. The syrup used varies depending on the vendor. At Gong Cha , we use sweeten drinks to fresh fruit purees to lower the calorie content.

Bubble Tea – 4 Things You Need To Know About NYC Bubble Tea Obsession

Amid several amazing and unique beverages in New York, bubble tea remains outstanding. Even with its simplicity, Bubble tea in New York produces a yummy, milky, and refreshing flavor. Below are four things you should know about the mysterious tapioca pearl drink in New York.

Popular Misconceptions

Surprisingly, the drink never got its name from those pearls you see on it. But, from the bubble foam, you see after you shake them to improve the flavor. In fact, in New York, bubble tea lovers call the pearls a boba or tapioca. The pearls are created through a process that extracts starch from the cassava root plants to its pearl.

Outrageous popularity

Since the inception of bubble tea in Taiwan in 1988, the boba tea took the world by storm. Several franchises and stores recently popped up from all over the world, from reputable global chains like Gong Cha to other local stores, we are definitely not surprised, especially with the profitability of this business.

Bubble tea is not difficult to make and coming at an average cost of over $4. With this, a bubble tea store in NYC usually sells over 1000 drinks per day.

Additionally, bubble tea shops in bustling metropolitan locations can expect to make profits of up to millions of dollars! You can visit some of our Gong Cha bubble tea stores in queens and Chinatown.

Health Effects

We hate to be party poopers, but the tapioca pearls in bubble tea are excellently valuable. Did you know that Tapioca contains calcium and iron, which strengthens the bone? Not just that, they also prevent bone damage because of age.

Tapioca contains fiber. As you know, fiber aids in digestion. So if you have some digestion issues like constipation and bloating, taking a sip of bubble tea with Tapioca pearl would be helpful.

Tapioca helps you feel full. In places like New York, many residents consume wheat rich consume that contain fortunately, tapioca does not contain gluten; instead, it contains carbohydrates to help you feel full.

So when you want to go to Gong Cha's bubble tea store in New York City, ensure that you crunch lots of tapioca balls.

Several options to customize

Newcomers can find the huge bubble tea menus overwhelming. Fortunately, you have different options typically displayed in a grid with several sections where you can personalize your bubble tea.

You can customize different types of milk, tea, flavor, toppings, and sugar content. For instance, Gong Cha bubble tea in New York has over 50 great combinations of boba tea drinks, such as the passion fruit Green tea with tapioca pearl, milk tea with grass jelly. Feel free to try the pop tapioca, interestingly new toppings. When chewed, these tapioca Pearls creates a popping feeling in your mouth.

Sip some Bubble Tea today!

Be sure to sip bubble tea in New York City. Gong Cha bubble tea shop is everywhere and a good way to relax in the summer sun

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